Loving your customer is critical to building that strong loyalty bond with them. Letting them know they matter, you care, and that you appreciate them is vital to repeat business.
Does your whole team understand and live that? Do you have touch bases to re-enforce that behaviour? Do you have a regular appreciation for your team? If you are not spreading love to them, how can you expect them to be spreading love to your customers?
Customer-centric cultures need to be built from the inside out. You and your leaders need to set the tone and model the behaviour for your front-line staff to see how it makes them feel, and they will, in turn, want to make the customer feel that appreciation.
You are the conductor of this symphony, and it is up to you to get all the instruments playing off the same music sheet. Make it fun, engaging and exciting so your team can not wait to spread it to their friends, family and customers.
It begins with your leadership team. Get the leaders on the same music sheet to embrace and practice it to pass it on to the team. It may start as ambient music, but if you stick with it, it will crest into the most beautiful crescendo once all the instruments play together.
This music is my favourite, so don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help with the composition. I am happy to help you spread this magical music to envelop magical experiences for all your customers, internal and otherwise.