In today’s marketplace, there is bound to be someone else doing what you do. The one thing the competition can not replicate is how you make people feel. This one thing can be the thing that makes you “stand out from the crowd.”
Think about how you want people to feel when interacting with your brand. Is it warm and fuzzy, lively and exciting, or quiet and reserved? Do you think of that “feeling” in every decision you make? From the brand colours to the exterior design to the music playing to the staff energy, it all sets the tone for the customer experience.
Let your competition be mediocre. You want to be extraordinary. Sit down right now and make a list of 5 things that make you stand out from the crowd. Heck, even one thing. If you are having challenges coming up with one thing you are currently doing, how about one thing you want to start doing? It is never too late to be extraordinary. Make it your mission; from this day forth, you and your team will blow people’s minds with the exceptional experiences they will gain in your presence.
Sit down with your team and ask them how they think the brand stands out. Tell them your mission, and they may surprise you with some creative way to achieve it. Everyone needs to be on board with this mission to pull it off. Maybe someone on the team is very welcoming and loves interacting with people. They would make a great door greeter to set that welcoming tone when customers walk in. Perhaps a team member knows how to make balloon animals, and they stop by families and make one for the child; no sales, just an interaction with the family (the fastest way to a parent’s heart is making their child happy). Does someone on the team play an instrument? One day a month, you have live music in the store. There are many ways to build an exceptional customer experience beyond your product or service. Give it some deep reflection, and you can take your customer experience to the stars.
I hope you come back and tell us all about it. The world needs more Magic in it. Go spread the Magic.