“Creating a High Performance Team” with Peter Taylor

Join Tacey and her special guest, Peter Taylor. Peter is a father, Business Mentor, and Leader of The Awakened Man.


Today’s Topic is Creating a High Performance Team.


Peter is passionate about human potential, strategic planning and creating high performance teams, so shares insights with us on these topics.

Timestamp: 01:09: Peter’s Story

Timestamp: 09:04: Cultivating Discipline

Timestamp: 12:30: Growing a Company with Integrity.


Link to the Time Recovery Calculator: https://www.petetaylor.co.uk/twitter

Just enter your email into the form and it will be sent to you.

Peter’s Contact Information:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterleontaylor/?originalSubdomain=uk

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pete_taylor/


Tacey’s Contact Information:


Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to having more valuable conversations together in the future.



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