Technology Throughout The Customer Experience with Keith Groshans

Join Tacey and her special guest, Customers First Regular Keith Groshans. Keith is a Graphic Artist, Website and brand Builder, and Top Banana at Rocket Juiced Studios.

Today’s Topic is Technology Throughout The Customer Experience.

Keith shares how technology surrounds the customer experience today, from pre-sale research to purchase and beyond; our homes, retail stores, art galleries, cars, websites, and more are evolving to include more and more technology and ways we can embrace it to enhance the bond between customer and brand.


Timestamp: 07:45: Web-based shopping vs brick & mortar

Timestamp: 18:16: Omnichannel vs Multichannel explained

Timestamp: 20:49: Website technology towards accessibility.


Link to the Rocket Juiced on Website Accessibility PDF:  Rocket Juiced on Website Accessibility

Keith’s Contact Information:



Tacey’s Contact Information:


Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to having more valuable conversations together in the future.



Customer-Centric Cultures Create Magical Customer Experiences.

Now Go Spread the Magic!

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