Tacey Atkinson and Pete Mohr on the Customers First Podcast

Building Stronger Teams With Pete Mohr

On this episode of the Customers First Podcast, Tacey has a detailed conversation with Pete Mohr about the power of improved communication and processes in helping companies build stronger teams. Pete shares his entrepreneurial journey and explains the importance of understanding the three parts of the brain: Cognitive, Conative & Affective, and the skills for innately taking action. He highlights the significance of the Kolbe assessment in uncovering how individuals naturally take action (not feelings) and how it can be used to enhance team dynamics.

Pete delved into Kolbe’s four action modes: Fact Finder, Follow Through, Quick Start, and Implementer. He explained each mode’s characteristics and how they influence decision-making and work preferences. Pete emphasized the importance of understanding these action modes in leading teams effectively and acknowledging and leveraging each team member’s strengths.

Moreover, Pete discussed the value of filling gaps within teams by hiring individuals with complementary action modes. He shared insights into using the Kolbe assessment during the hiring process to ensure candidates align with the expectations of their roles. Pete emphasized the importance of effective communication in addressing common team issues and driving business success.

Reflecting on the impact of the pandemic on businesses, Pete highlighted the need for adaptability and resilience in navigating challenges. He emphasized the importance of being prepared to pivot quickly in the face of unforeseen circumstances. Pete underscored the significance of effective communication in leadership and how catering to individual communication preferences can enhance team performance and engagement.

In conclusion, Pete emphasized the role of communication in fostering productive teamwork and shared insights into leveraging the Kolbe assessment to optimize team dynamics and drive business success. He encouraged leaders to prioritize understanding and meeting the diverse communication needs of team members to create a cohesive and effective work environment.




3:11: Understanding the Three Parts of the Brain

6:26: Exploring the Four Action Modes

17:48: Building Strong Teams with Colby Profiles

28:25: Utilizing Kolbe Reports in Hiring Processes

32:08: Benefits of Kolbe Method for Leaders

34:27: Adapting Business Strategies Post-Pandemic

36:55: Importance of Effective Communication



Pete’s Contact Information:

Website: https://simplifyingentrepreneurship.com

LinkedIn: @petermohr


Tacey’s Contact Information:

All of Tacey’s social media profiles are @TaceyAtkinson

Email: [email protected]

Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to having more valuable conversations together in the future.



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