Melanie Jones and Tacey Atkinson on the Customers First Podcast

Vault Episode: “Festivals and Art Need to Be Emotion-Evoking Experiences.” with Melanie Jones

Festival Season is the best time for us to revisit our Conversation with Melanie Jones, an art curator, Disney enthusiast, and Owner of Chapter Three Art and Disney Festival of the Arts expert, as they discuss this week’s topic: “Festivals and Art Need to Be Emotion-Evoking Experiences.” 

In this episode of the Customer’s First Podcast, Melanie shares her passion for art and her journey in forming Chapter Three Art. It all started with her collection of Beauty and the Beast memorabilia, which sparked her admiration for artists and their ability to evoke emotions through their work. Chapter Three Art became a platform for Melanie to introduce others to Disney and other types of art and share stories from fellow collectors. Through this endeavour, Melanie has formed strong relationships with artists and has become an integral part of their creative process.

The conversation then delves into the Festival of the Arts, which initially started as the Festival of the Masters and has now blossomed into a month-long event. The Festival offers various activities such as art exhibits, merchandise, food, meeting the artists, live painting, acrobatics, chalk art, drawing classes, and more. Melanie emphasizes the interactive exhibits, including a paint-by-number mural where participants can contribute, sketching classes with Disney artists, live painting performances, and 3D chalk art. They both highlight the need for ample time to experience the Festival fully, as there is so much to see and do.

Melanie shares her experiences at the Festival, emphasizing the importance of meeting and conversing with the artists. Viewing the art in person and learning about the artist’s inspiration and techniques adds a deeper connection to the artwork. She highlights two artists Tacey is curious about: Michelle St. Laurent, a watercolour artist known for her attention to detail, and Michael Provenza, who utilizes points and filters light through his paintings. Melanie believes attending the Festival allows people to discover new art and artists they may have yet to discover otherwise.

Melanie further emphasizes the opportunity to meet new artists and purchase art at the Festival. The ongoing demand for art and the chance to reconnect with pieces from the past make it an exciting experience. They also discuss how the Festival’s level of service and experience can translate into other industries, such as hospitality.

Melanie shares her dreams of opening Chapter Three Art Cafe, a gallery space offering more than just art. She envisions a relaxing environment where people can enjoy art while sipping coffee or wine, with possible open mic or poetry reading nights. Melanie aims to create an ongoing experience for art enthusiasts rather than a limited-time event like the Festival.

The conversation shifts to Melanie’s experiences collecting Disney pins and attending pin events. She discusses her collection, which is focused on Beauty and the Beast and currently contains over 900 pins. Melanie expresses excitement for future adventures in the world of art and collecting.

Finally, Melanie shares her experiences living in Florida, close to the parks, and the opportunity to visit the Art of Disney at Disney Springs. She plans to interview and write about local and visiting artists throughout the year, further expanding her knowledge and connections in the art world. The episode concludes with a message to the listeners, encouraging them to attend the Festival of the Arts, even if they don’t plan on purchasing art, as it offers a chance to learn something new and have a transformative experience.



0:01:40 Melanie shares her passion for art and Beauty and the Beast

0:05:03 Chapter Three Art opens doors for Melanie in the art community

0:10:46 Interactive exhibits at the Festival of the Arts

0:12:34 Live Painting, Chalk Art, and Photography Opportunities

0:14:08 The Importance of Experiencing Art and Meeting the Artists

0:23:07 The Magic of the Festival of the Arts


Melanie’s Contact Information:

Instagram: @chapterthreeart

Facebook Group: Chapter Three Art

Email: Melanie@ChapterThreeArt


Tacey’s Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]


Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to having more valuable conversations together in the future.


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