Tacey Atkinson and Laura Richard on the Customers First Podcast discussing customer-centricity

Customer-Centric: From Promise to Performance with Laura Richard

This episode of the Customers First Podcast features an insightful conversation with Laura Richard, a principal at Level 5 Consulting. Her significant contributions to customer-centricity and leadership in consulting have been widely recognized. Laura articulates the importance of customer experience as a core driver of business success, highlighting her belief that genuine customer connection stems from deeply understanding their needs and expectations.

Laura introduces us to the concept of customer centricity and shares her insights on the seven dimensions that define this approach. She emphasizes the need for organizations to promise value to their customers and consistently deliver on that promise. 

Laura discusses the continuous evolution of customer experience and shares her framework for improvement. This framework underscores the necessity of gathering voice-of-customer insights and fostering cross-functional collaboration. 

We further delve into Laura’s customer-centric maturity model, focusing first on the promise aspect and its three core dimensions:

  • Establishing a clear brand promise
  • Having a fact-based understanding of customer behaviour
  • Concentrating on meaningful moments in the customer journey

Transitioning to the performance side, Laura highlights four critical dimensions:

  • Maintaining consistent collaboration.
  • Centering customer needs in decision-making processes.
  • Measuring customer outcomes effectively.
  • Committing to long-term investments in customer-centric initiatives.

This episode is a rich resource for anyone interested in elevating their organization’s customer experience through a strategic, consistent, and collaborative approach. It ultimately embraces the belief that magic happens when organizations prioritize customer centricity.

Laura’s Contact Information:

LinkedIn: @laurakrichard

Take Level5’s customer centricity maturity survey: https://www.research.net/r/L5CxMaturity. This will provide you with a free personalized report.

Tacey’s Contact Information:

All Social Media: @taceyatkinson

Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to having more valuable conversations together in the future.


Customer-Centric Cultures Create Magical Customer Experiences.

Now Go Create the Magic!


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