Positive Cultures Increase Project Success with Laura Bowers

On this episode of the Customer’s First Podcast, Laura Bowers, the CEO of The PMO Boss, shares insights into project management, leadership, and creating a positive work culture. Laura discusses how she stumbled upon project management and the importance of empathy in leadership. She highlights the significance of clear requirements and prioritization in achieving project success. Laura introduces her BOSS framework, emphasizing the importance of client collaboration for successful project implementation.

The conversation delves into building strong team dynamics through team-building exercises and fostering a positive work culture. Laura encourages leaders to prioritize people and emphasizes the rewards of putting people first.


Laura’s Contact Information:

LinkedIn: @thepmoboss

All of Tacey’s social media profiles are on the bottom of each page on the site and here:


Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to having more valuable conversations together in the future.


Customer-Centric Cultures Create Magical Customer Experiences.

Now Go, Create the Magic!


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